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Verbal Gymnastics

In words on April 13, 2009 at 4:35 am

I’ve exhausted everythinh my mind is capable of thinking right now. And I’m left with nothing to do or write. Blank Space. Yet, still words.

What wonders a word can offer! It fills spaces, bridges gaps, seal doors, open posibilities and ideas-so limitless, boundless and inexhaustible. They’re recyclable, reusable and easily dispensable.

But, it’s also amazing how sometimes, one can never justify his feelings with words. It becomes lacking, useless and annoyingly ordinary. The person, then, is left with no other choice but to resort still with words; leaving him with a heavy heart, bottled emotions and suppressed feelings. It piles on top of another until he can hold no more.


Still, words become useless. They can never bring the dead back, breathing and living. Late forgiveness, useless anguish and hurt- all are joined with the corpse six feet below the ground. People might say, let’s bury the hatchet. But can we ever do that?


…And then some. They’re all words; and sometimes with hidden meanings and double entendre. Seemingly innocent yet could gravely harm.


They intermingle with people’s lives. Sometimes, one chains.

And then it breaks.


In Personal on April 8, 2009 at 4:43 am

It wasn’t so hard to let go and feel free of what the past made to you. But is seems it left a memory that would never be erase easily. But for me, I find it unusual and exciting. What else I could think of, it is a part of my life now and it will never be erase in my life’s book. This is not the first time to reminisce those events, but I gradually accept the fact that I made those things in the past. I did not regret the things that I have done and so more, maybe I’ll regret the things that I’ll miss to do in the future. I’m very thankful that I have a great sanity to conquer all the errors.

My life is full of irony. Maybe now I’m having a great time surfing around, but maybe I’m here because I’m searching for something to give me greatness. I live in this kind of world where God knows I could fulfill the life that He gave, the satisfaction, balance and awareness. It might be chaos to think but this is life all about. There’s good and there’s bad. Anything in between are the focal points to be kept and appreciated. Live life to the fullest, free your minds from worries and love yourself for only you can take care of it.