
Posts Tagged ‘Listen’

sAd WhIsper

In emo on August 8, 2008 at 10:45 am

I have something to tell, it’s not easy but I have tied my fingers with all my guts just to let you hear this loud whisper of my heart. As my tears squeak to its on window, a million emotions hide in it. There was once I asked how it was happened, how did I took that moment and how I’ve tried to reborn the bravery I saved.

There I once or probably twice or thrice and even more of that of I thought. That there are moments I failed to tied up me to its own pillar of courage. I’ve known different characters in the past that influenced my sanity. There, I put rapport hoping to feel the connection between the two emancipated personas. When we were together, our perturbation collided that put me into a grandiose feeling. I grasped the expectation too tight, unaware that it started to break and pierce my palms. I have handed a cryptic view of this emotional state, however the odd limitless call of the affection still lingers on me. And when I’m left alone the beat of melancholy runs in the rhythm of the air. As the feeling of be wilderness, nonchalant, like it’s hugging to the sarcastic hope. Upon waiting to a call or a single buzz from someone you wanted to be with. But its just it! No one knows when it will happen.